YouTube Guests

Be a Guest on My YouTube channel!

Anyone can be a guest on my live stream YouTube channel as long as you are willing to be on camera and explore a Windows computer topic.

Local Clients & Acquaintances

If you are a local client of mine or if you work for a local client of mine you can participate in this YouTube service just as anyone else can. I am hoping this YouTube service will be a way that I can provide assistance to employees of my local clients for their home computers. You can also use this service to improve your skills for your office work, however I will not connect to your office computer for YouTube videos unless I discuss my concerns with your employer first. If approved then you would receive services your employer would otherwise have to pay for.

The same is true for friends & family, acquaintances, aviation friends, neighbors, Chamber of Commerce contacts, LF27, BAMM, CART, long lost acquaintances and anyone else even the police officer that let me off with a warning near the train tracks in 2019.

How to Begin

Become a Web Retainer Client using the “Start Here” page.

Send an e-mail to In the subject line put these words without the quotes: “Support Session -” after the hyphen include a few words to indicate the subject you are interested in.

In the body of the e-mail type a sentence or two about what you want help with. Include any other information you think I should know about. You don’t need to put a lot of effort into this. This e-mail will just get the ball rolling. I may e-mail or call with more questions.

Provide your name, phone number (optional) and general location such as country or state and your time zone. Please indicate clearly what days and/or times (your local time) it is okay to call you to further discuss your interest.

I will be responding to e-mail inquiries as time allows. If I don’t respond within 1-3 days then be sure to watch any videos I have published after you sent your e-mail. I will give an update to viewers near the beginning of the video if I am late in responding.

My Promises to You

I will be careful not to reveal any personally identifiable information about you during the live stream video other than name and your video or photo image. I am able to blur your screen as needed to prevent viewers from seeing sensitive content. I will safeguard your phone number and specific location. If anything sensitive is accidentally displayed during the live stream I will edit the video promptly to reduce the exposure.

I will always be courteous and kind regardless of your level of computer skills or any struggles you may have with understanding the topic. I have been teaching users of all levels professionally since 1989. I enjoy helping people reach new levels in their ability with computers whatever level that may be. By collaborating with me on a video you will be providing a service to all the viewers who will benefit by observing a real life training or a break-fix resolution.

I will be grateful and appreciative for your willingness to participate and will do my best to make sure you have a good experience and benefit from the session.

What happens next?

I will reply to your e-mail in some manner. If you provide a phone number I may call you. I might reply to you with a private video or in my next live stream. I might have questions for you at that time or just begin discussions of when to begin our session.

Once we agree to move forward I will send you an e-mail with a link for establishing a remote connection to your computer. We might choose to test the connection if we have any reason to suspect a problem.

When the agreed day/time arrives for our session I will call you after beginning the live stream session because I will usually have things to talk about before starting the remote session with you. If you choose you could watch the beginning of the live stream and/or participate in the chat window while waiting for me to call you.

When ready, I will then call you without revealing your phone number. If you are able/willing to use a service such as Skype or FaceTime then I will include that in the live stream. Then we will pursue whatever the topic is.

When I call, you should turn down the volume on the live stream and listen only through the phone connection because there is a time delay on the live stream.

If you need to step away from the phone during the session please feel free to say so. If you or I need to end the session before we are done with the topic, we can continue in another live stream session.


I sincerely hope you will find my content to be useful to you whether you collaborate with me on one or more videos or just access my content through YouTube and/or this website. Thank you for your interest and I hope to be in contact with you soon!